Behavioral Health

According to the CDC, the Kansas suicide rate increased 45% between 1999-2016; one of the largest increases nationwide. If this statistic wasn’t alarming enough, behavioral healthcare providers have seen their budgets cut drastically in recent years. In spite of this, we know you remain passionate about making mental wellness available to every Kansan. This is why Conrade Insurance Group is passionate about doing everything we can to help you more efficiently deliver your mission through effective and affordable healthcare business insurance protection.

Whether your organization focuses on inpatient psychiatric care, addiction treatment, or outpatient counseling we have specific programs for your needs. We can help you manage the risks associated with health data security (HIPAA), revenue stream management, as well as the reality of increased utilization of tele-health and contracted providers.

Don’t let administrative burdens overshadow your mission. Conrade Insurance Group understands the complexities of running a behavioral healthcare practice. We’ll work with you to streamline your insurance needs, freeing you to focus on delivering high-quality patient care. Our proactive approach means you’ll have a dedicated team of risk consultants who anticipate your needs and ensure you have the right coverage in place, so you can continue making a positive impact on the lives of Kansans struggling with mental health challenges.
Behavioral and mental healthcare business insurance is a core competency of Conrade Insurance Group. With us as your risk consultant, you will have confidence knowing you are working with the leading Kansas insurance firm for behavioral health providers.